Q: What accounting systems do you support?
A: QuickBooks, Peachtree, Sage Peachtree Complete Accounting, Sage Simply Accounting, MAS 90, MAS 200, Microsoft Dynamics GP, and Maxwell Systems American Contractor. More are being added frequently. If you have a specific request, please email us at request@bbceasy.com or call us at 206-922-4502. Additionally, we offer an open service so your accounting software can export data into the BBC Easy service.
Q: Can lenders customize parameters?
A: Absolutely. Our engine includes the ability to add custom calculations or templated options. During integration your financial institution's top set of parameters are setup for easy selection, and more complex custom actions are always available.
Q: Can businesses modify values read from the accounting software?
A: Yes, but any modifications are highlighted for the lender to see. This is useful when the accounting software may not yet be up to date. We provide the option to manually override if necessary.
Q: Is there any risk of corrupting my accounting data?
A: BBC Easy can only read data from your accounting software. It cannot write data to it.
Q: How much IT integration is required to support my financial institution?
A: Very minimal. Because BBC Easy is a secure web-hosted service, both lenders and businesses can connect directly from their computers without extensive integration.

If you're interested in providing BBC Easy to your clients or using it with your financial institution, we'd love to hear from you!

(206) 922-4502 (phone or fax)

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